Kayda'Vaak 🐉

"With the wind at our backs we walk on. In search of hope"

At a Glance

Name: Kayda'Vaak
Race: [Redacted] (Appears Xaela)
Gender: Female
Age: [Redacted]
Height: Tall for female Au'ra
Build: Lithe
Orientation: Anyone who interests her~ (Pansexual)

- Far more scales across her body for a Xaela.
- Silted emerald eyes, contained within black sclera.
- Sharp fanged teeth, hiding a long slender split tongue.
- Has a long thick tail, along with an additional set of horns upon her head.
- Often found humming a tune to herself or playing small instruments.


  • Stories: Always looking to meet new people and hear interesting tales.

  • Family: Another like her, or someone who has connections. She's happy to meet them and catch up.

  • Mikoshi's Rest: Have you ever worked there or seen her around the building.

  • Your choice: Hooks are fun, but walk-ups and tells are welcome as well! ❤


PST Time Zone

If you see me with my RP tag on, feel free to come say hi! However if I'm on and don't have the tag, please send me a /t first to see if I'm busy. 😊(D/M RP themes are also welcome)💕 Please be open with me if you have any questions or concerns! Let me know if you want to approach a certain topic, don't be scared to ask!